How to Write the Cornell SC Johnson MBA Essay

This guide covers everything you need to know on how to write the Cornell SC Johnson MBA Essay. Following the tradition of many of our college application essay guides, we’re going to discuss the admissions profile before getting right to the guide.

Cornell’s SC Johnson MBA program has an acceptance rate of 39.6%. That makes the school easier than schools like Stanford GSB, Chicago Booth, and Harvard Business School. However, you should still consider having an impeccable application essay prior to submission. Also note that their average GMAT median is 700, and the average student has 5 years of work experience. Here’s the source for the info: source.

To stand out amongst the rest in the admissions process, you’ll need a strong set of application essays. Let’s cover how to write the Cornell MBA essays below, and discuss best practices on writing them.

How to Write the Cornell SC Johnson MBA Essay

Table of Contents

  1. Cornell MBA Goals Statement
  2. Cornell MBA Impact Essay
  3. Cornell MBA Optional Essay
  4. Cornell MBA Park Leadership Fellows Program Essay

Cornell MBA Goals Statement

A statement of your goals will begin a conversation that will last throughout the admissions process and guide your steps during the MBA program and experience. To the best of your understanding today, please share your short and long term goals by completing the following sentences and answering the enclosed short answer question (350 words maximum):

Immediately post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) [Role] at [Company] within [Industry].

Targeted Job Role:

Target Job Company:


In 5–10 years post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) [Role] at [Company] within [Industry].

Targeted Job Role:

Target Job Company:


How has your experience prepared and encouraged you to pursue these goals?

Cornell SC Johnson MBA Essay: Goals Statement

For a 350 word maximum, the Cornell MBA essay isn’t very generous. You’re only given a bit of space to prove your dedication to your future career. Before we discuss how to tackle the goals statement, let’s consider one of the golden rules of business.

You know you are well-versed in your business/career when you can summarize what it is in a few sentences.

If you are both concise and specific about answering the question, you will have answered the question that is hanging over the admissions officer’s head: did you think through your career plans enough? Those who plan to continue their education in an elite MBA program with no clear path in the future don’t belong at Cornell’s SC Johnson. The school is meant for people looking to use their education to springboard their careers. This means you should know exactly how SC Johnson MBA will help you exactly in furthering your career goals.

Now, after specifying your short term and long term goals, you want to write how your past experiences funnel you to your future goals. This can be hard, especially since not everyone is working their hardest for years in one direction. Many students get lost and have to do some exploration prior to knowing what career they want to pursue. If this is you, you can talk about this. It shows that you’re someone who has already gone past the exploration phase and you are smart with your future plans.

Also consider that other applicants with stellar marks and high GMAT scores will be competing against you. It is up to you to write your Cornell MBA essay in a manner that stands out from the rest. There are many ways to do this, but one of them is having a convincing plan that persuades the admissions officers of your success.

Let’s take an example: who looks like they have a better plan?

In these examples, the Joanna Yu’s experience does prepare her to a certain degree for a future in an MBA program. However, it is difficult to see how the experience as a cashier at Whole Foods would correlate with her future careeer in business. Also, she started at a startup and transition into a big company like Whole Foods. This means she went from a place that is easier to make a difference at the company, to a big one where it is harder. It is more difficult to explain this reasonably in the essay.

Richard O’Connor has a more relevant experience in an MBA program. He will have an easier time answering the Cornell MBA essay because he has more experience related to business. His assistant marketing and strategy position at Coca Cola demonstrates that he has strong networking and marketing skills to land the position in the first place. However, he may not be able to make many differences in such a massive company. His transition into the new startup as a Copywriting and Search Engine Marketing specialist may help him make a major difference in the company.

Kevin Nguyen has a very reasonable transition. He starts at Steinway and Sons as a Marketing intern, then works his way up at the same company ass their Search Engine Marketing specialist. Since he is working at one of the greatest piano companies known, it is difficult for him to make a reasonable change in the company; however, he can learn a lot there. His transition into making his own self-made startup and implementing his own marketing skills makes him a strong candidate. It shows that he has a clear vision to use his skills in marketing to become a self-made person.

Cornell MBA Impact Essay

At Cornell, our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. Taking into consideration your background, how do you intend to make a meaningful impact on an elite MBA community? (350 words maximum)

Cornell SC Johnson MBA Essay: Impact Essay

This question is a good measure of a student’s dedication to Cornell. You have the option of applying for any MBA program. Why exactly is Cornell’s SC Johnson MBA program a good fit for you? In other words, you’ll need to do your research about the school to see why you would be a good fit for making a meaningful impact on the MBA community.

You may want to consider connecting with a member of the SC Johnson MBA program either through their community search or through networing with friends and family connected with others in the program.

Also consider the programs, clubs, and extracurricular activities at Cornell where you may be a good fit for. Your background experience may be a great fit for their extracurricular programs, and that may be one of the ways you can contribute to the Cornell MBA program.

For example: you may have translated your management skills to your club activities. This skill may transfer well and even benefit the Cornell community if you were to share your skills with others in your class for a better collaborative experience.

Remember: it is critical to show knowledge of the school not only at the Cornell Johnson MBA program but at practically all MBA schools you’re applying for. You’ll be dedicating a large chunk of time in an academically intensive program that will springboard your career, so admissions officers understandably want to accept those who have the best preparation.

Cornell MBA Optional Essay

You may use this essay to call attention to items needing clarification and to add additional details to any aspects of your application that do not accurately reflect your potential for success at Johnson (350 words maximum).

If you are reapplying for admission, please use this essay to indicate how you have strengthened your application and candidacy since the last time you applied for admission. Please also review our Application Guide for additional information about reapplying (350 words maximum).

Cornell SC Johnson MBA Essay: Optional Essay (required for reapplicants)

Thank heavens!

The optional essay section is the perfect opportunity to compensate for any weaknesses you may have in your application. Although this part of the Cornell MBA essays is not technically required, we find that most people would be better off writing it.

In the optional essay, you can explain any additional details or describe parts where your application may be weak. We’ve listed a few examples of topics you may write about below.

  1. Low GPA
  2. Low GMAT score
  3. Miscalculations/Errors in the Transcript
  4. Recommendation Letter Issues and Hiccups

Perhaps the more important part of this application essay is this: “… aspects of your application that do not accurately reflect your potential for success at Johnson…” So, this means you need to convince the admissions officers that despite the evidence, your negative factors do not demonstrate that you are a poor candidate for the school.

This can be quite difficult, especially since admissions officers typically hear every excuse in the book. Here’s one rule, though: don’t lie. If you are caught lying in your application, you can practically guarentee a much higher chance of rejection into the program.

What makes a good explanation for our weaknesses in the MBA application, then? Typically, we find that situations that were either beyond your control or severe enough to warrant issues with the average person make for good reasons. Here are a few examples.

  1. Medical issues
  2. Family issues
  3. Personal life impediments
  4. Distance issues: (Example: someone important was in a dire emergency, requiring you to travel to them)
  5. Technical issues: (GPA miscalculations that can’t be fixed due to inner administrative issues)

More importantly, you must also add how you’ve moved past the issue. That is, how have you resolved the issue and proven that you are a strong candidate despite the bumps on the road?

For the re-applicants, you should remember you need reasons stronger than the last application. If you’ve increased your test scores or retook certain classes, then you can make a case that you are a more suitable candidate now than before. If you have not made any imporvements in the academic side, consider explaining other aspects like reorienting your career plans. It is critical that you demonstrate in one way or another that you are a more valuable candidate than the last time you applied.

Cornell MBA Park Leadership Fellows Program Essay

To apply for the Park Fellowship, please complete this essay (500-word limit).

Describe a past formal or informal leadership experience and how it informs your goals for growth as a leader. How would the Park Leadership Fellowship assist with these goals?

Cornell SC Johnson MBA Essay: Park Leadership Fellows Program Essay Prompt

The Park Fellowship essay asks 3 things:

  1. Leadership experience
  2. How said experience clarifies your goals a leader
  3. Why the Park Leadership Fellowship adds to your goals.

This is actually quite a simple essay question, and perhaps one of the easier ones compared to the other Cornell MBA essays. However, it also is competitive considering you’ll be applying for an exclusive program. Perhaps the most important aspect of this essay question is in between the second and third point. That is, how does your experience clarify your goals and why does the program add to said goals.

This question is, in other words, asking how you would be a good fit for their fellowship program compared to the rest. Some aspects of your leadership experience may make for a great fit, whereas others may be compeltely irrelevant. You need to deconstruct your leadership skills and show that you have a clear-cut path to what you want to actualize for your future endeavors. Then, explain why the Park Leadership Fellowship fits for that exact career goal. A good way of thinking about this is asking yourself this: what is something that the Park Leadership Fellowship can offer my future career goals that no other program has?

If you still don’t know how to write the Cornell MBA essay, you may want to consider seeking help from an MBA admissions expert. Schedule a free consultation with us. We’ll get connected with you within 24 hours.

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