How to Answer the Stanford Interview Questions

In this article, we will cover how to answer the Stanford Interview Questions.

There are a plethora of different interview questions that are possible. Of course, it’s impossible to prepare for all possible college interview questions because there is an infinite number of possibilities.

As such, this article will be split into three sections: fundamental rules you should know to ace any college interview, a list of possible Stanford interview questions, and interview advice for Stanford in particular.

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Table of contents:

  1. Before You Enter That Interview…
  2. Stanford Interview Questions List.
    1. Possible Stanford Interview Questions.
    2. What Questions to Ask at the End of the Stanford Interview.
    3. How to Answer a College Interview Question You Didn’t Prepare For.
  3. Interview Advice.

Before You Enter That Interview.
In this video, Peterson covers some of the fundamental considerations one should take when preparing for a grad interview. A university graduate program is not easy to get into, and that applies especially so for Stanford.

We thought that it would be useful to cover something not often talked about in grad interviews: the importance of the truth.

Think about the two versions of yourself. There is the everyday you, and there is the “interview” you.

Paradoxically, despite the Stanford interview being more relaxed and calm because it’s hosted by alumni, the interview process can bring out the most anxiety-ridden and unrealistic parts in people. Suddenly, you may find yourself stumbling between words and saying things you may even find to be untrue. You may even find that you’ll censor hobbies and extracurriculars because they may paint a bad light on your interview process.

If you haven’t seen the video above, the main fundamental rules of an interview process are:

  1. Pay attention to your interviewers: make sure you’re more focused on providing a genuine answer instead of trying to impress the interviewer.
  2. Don’t treat your interviewers as enemies or obstacles: once you are in the perspective of being afraid, resentful, or nervous, the interview can easily go wrong. Because you had already reached the interview phase, Stanford had already seen that there is potential in accepting you. Now, it is up to both the interviewer and you to figure out how you would be a great fit for the program.

Stanford Interview Questions List.

Possible Stanford Interview Questions

  1. What is the greatest piece of advice you’ve received? What made it so great?
  2. What would you say is your greatest weakness?
  3. Have you faced any dilemmas in morality? Tell me about what happened.
  4. What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?
  5. How does an MBA program at Stanford help your goals? Why not any other school?
  6. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
  7. What other programs did you apply for?
  8. What was it like to lead a team?
  9. Tell me about a subject or hobby that inspires you? What about it is so inspiring?
  10. When have you had your beliefs challenged? What were they and how did it shape the person you are today?
  11. What are your short-term and long-term goals? Why?
  12. How does receiving an MBA help your career goals? 
  13. Why do you want to major in _____?
  14. How does Stanford benefit from having you in its program?
  15. Do you have a favorite book? Why is it your favorite book?
  16. Tell me about your experience as an undergraduate.
  17. Tell me about your background experience overall.
  18. How would you describe your leadership style?
  19. What was the greatest obstacle you’ve faced and what have you done to overcome it?
  20. How will you add to the diversity and equity of Stanford?
  21. Have you ever worked with someone who was difficult to work with? What happened? How did you navigate the situation?
  22. Tell me about your current project/business.
  23. What is the most interesting and compelling topic about your major? Why?
  24. What extracurriculars and projects have you undertaken? Why did you take them on, and how have they shaped your character?
  25. Who is your hero? Why?
  26. What makes you a unique candidate for Stanford?
  27. Tell me about a time you failed.

What Questions to Ask at the End of the Stanford Interview

  1. What do you think was lacking at Stanford?
  2. Were there things you would have done differently?
  3. What did you like about Stanford?
  4. How would you describe your experience at Stanford?
  5. I did _____ and _____ for my extracurriculars. How do you think Stanford’s resources will fit with my passions and projects?

How to Answer a College Interview Question You Didn’t Prepare For.

Let’s assume the alum interviewing you asks you a question you did not prepare for. Yikes.

This can be quite scary, but it’s okay! In most college interviews, even the ones outside of Stanford, the alum interviewer will ask you something that is not found online. This isn’t some way to trick you or get you to say something stupid as a “gotcha!” moment. Rather, the interviewers typically want to know that there is more to you than the prepared cookie-cutter answers you’ve rehearsed the night before.

In other words, the interviewer wants to know more about you.

So, when faced with college interview questions you did not prepare for, you want to be as genuine as possible. Try to be honest and truthful, and listen to what the interviewer is asking you. Oftentimes, applicants can get caught up in trying to impress the interviewer by saying the right thing. Remember: focusing on saying the right thing means that you’re not listening. You need to listen to the question and answer truthfully and honestly. This will help you become more relaxed instead of tense and uneasy –which is the last impression you want to make.

Interview Advice.

With that said, we want to cover a few important points about preparing for your Stanford interview as a whole.

  1. Be confident in your answers, but don’t be arrogant: It’s important to demonstrate both confidence and comfort in your own shoes. However, there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. We would recommend not having a flippant answer that can easily be hashed out. Instead, even if you can answer something quickly and effectively, show that you put both the time and effort into thinking about what exactly it is you are going to say.
  2. There’s no replacement for mock interviews: For some reason, we don’t see many applicants practice with a mock interview. They’ll usually have a set of questions to ask themselves without actuallyusing a real person on the other side. Remember: what you say in your head isnt the same as hat you say in pereson. Just take real-life conversations for instance. We never think we have something clever to say until we’re alone with our thoughts in the shower. Just because you can answer the possible Stanford interview questions in your head by no means insinuates that you can perform well in the interview.
    • We would highly, highly recommend hiring someone with college admissions interview experience to give you a mock interview. The admissions expert will help you improve your acceptanece chances compared to any other inteviewer. If you need, you can schedule a free Stanford mock essay + analysis with us. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
  3. Take your time answering: If you do not know how to answer a question, don’t be afraid to ask for some time to think about a good answer. A good rule is to take about 4-5 seconds of though before answering something.
  4. Demonstrate your fit for Stanford: Throughout the interview process, the interviewers are doing what they can to see which applicants will fit well in the program. It is up to you to both imply and clearly show that your goals and background make you the right fit for Stanford. This can include why Stanford can benefit from your background.
  5. Be likeable when answering the Stanford interview questions: We know this sounds obvious, and it is. However, let us explain. When you’re answering the Stanford interview questions, it is easy to get lost in the “interview” part and forget that you’re talking to a human being. One of the things the Stanford interviewer will be watching for is whether you seem to be a real and genuine human being outside of academics. That is the entire point of having an interview outside of the academic screening anyway!

We’ve helped countless students get accepted into 92.5% of their reach and target schools. If you are not confident about your acceptance chances into Stanford, don’t be afraid to contact us for free Stanford application and interview help! We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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