How Many Law Schools Should You Apply To? 2023-24

How Many Law Schools Should You Apply to? 2023-24

The path to becoming an attorney is not as easy as it once was. While it wasn’t exactly easy to get in a few years ago, it’s certainly not getting any easier now. That’s why you need to cast a large net if you want to maximize your chances of success. But… how big should … Read more

How Many Colleges Should You Apply to?

How Many Colleges Should You Apply to?

If you search “How many colleges should I apply to?” on Google, one of the first options to appear is a snippet of the College Board’s article. As you can see, they recommend 5-8 college applications consisting of a mix of safety, match, and reach schools to ensure acceptance. However, as of 2023 and the … Read more

How to ACTUALLY Make a College List

How to ACTUALLY Make a College List

So, you’re making a college list. You know that the moden college admissions process is more rigorous than ever. Thus, you’ll need to apply to more colleges whilst keeping more realistic expectations for colleges. This can make things quite hard. “What if I’m not applying to enough colleges.” “Do I need more safeties?” “Is this … Read more