How to Answer the Stanford Short Answer Questions

How to Answer the Stanford Short Answer Questions

You may be under the presumption that the Stanford short answer questions are easy to write… too easy. That’s right, if you happened upon this article, you may have been suspicious of how seemingly short the Stanford short answer questions are. After all, 50 words can be done in a few minutes, right? If you’re … Read more

How to Answer the Stanford Interview Questions

Stanford Interview Guide

In this article, we will cover how to answer the Stanford Interview Questions. There are a plethora of different interview questions that are possible. Of course, it’s impossible to prepare for all possible college interview questions because there is an infinite number of possibilities. As such, this article will be split into three sections: fundamental … Read more

How To Write The Stanford Supplemental Essay Prompts


Stanford boasts an acceptance rate of less than 5%. That means that you’ll be facing up against some of the best students and even the best grades and test scores won’t guarantee your acceptance. But it’s worth it to apply anyway because you can just write the Supplemental Essay and be done with it right? … Read more