Successful UC Essay Prompt 5 Example Essays That Worked

Update 2023-24: It’s been a while since our last update. During that time, we’ve been very fortunate to have other students who were accepted into great schools! So, we’ve added a new essay to this article to hopefully inspire you.

The UC essay prompt 5 (PIQ 5) is one of the best essay prompts to answer out of all 8 UC PIQs.

Although UC schools will not discriminate based on what prompt you choose to write, the advantage of choosing PIQ 5 is the versatility of the topic. That is, you can say a lot about yourself and your strengths —especially in the context of obstacles. It helps admissions officers get to know you very well.

This also makes the UC PIQ 5 one of the most common prompts to write about. So, you’ll have a lot of competition to fight against.

Fortunately for you, we’ve provided 2 tremendously successful UC essay prompt 5 example essays that worked.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. UC Essay Prompt 5
  3. UC Essay Prompt 5. Successful Example Essay 1
  4. UC Essay Prompt 5: Successful Example Essay 2
  5. Tips For Writing The UC PIQ 5

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It takes good marks and good test scores to get in. However, the most important thing is standing out among the rest of the applicant pool.

You can’t do that with a generic, boring admissions essay.

There are two UC essay prompt 5 example essays we wanted to cover today.

The first was from a student accepted into UCSD. The second was from a student accepted into UCLA.

Let’s talk about our UCSD students first.

Here are the stats our applicant had in their high school career before they were accepted.

  1. GPA: 3.8
  2. SAT: 1200
  3. APs: 3 AP courses, all of which are related to their declared major.
  4. Extracurriculars: Founder of a small club at the school joined by his friends and a few acquaintances.
    • No awards.
    • No honorable mentions.

As you can see, our client had a decent GPA for his target school: UC San Diego.

However, they had a lower SAT and fewer AP courses than would be desirable.

Note: that this essay was sent when the SATs were still accounted for in the UC application. The UC system no longer requires them.

They did not have any awards or honorable mentions but had some experience managing a small school club. Considering this, UCSD was somewhat of a reach school for them.

Now, let’s talk about our UCLA applicant.

  1. GPA: 3.75
  2. SAT: N/A
  3. APs: N/A
  4. Extracurriculars: Ran a small business on the side; but, have been on and off about it. Operating it as a full-time student.
    • No awards.
    • No honorable mentions.

Again, a similar profile as our previous applicant.

This time, however, they don’t have as high a GPA to be competitive in the UCLA admissions pool. Additionally, they don’t have the APs needed to really be competitive in academic rigor, one of many important elements in UCLA’s admissions factors (which can be found in section C7 of their Common Data Set).

However, they did run a small business as a side project whilst operating as a full-time student.

This may not be a full operation. But, it’s quite impressive for anyone of that age.


So how did they get in?

We know they’re both at a bit of a disadvantage. So, we compensated for their weaker profile by writing a stronger set of UC PIQs. This was, of course, done through our custom essay editing and consulting service.

Of course, for today’s guide, we’ll be specifically covering prompt 5 of the UC PIQs.

Let’s take a look at it below.

UC Essay Prompt 5

5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Things to consider: A challenge could be personal, or something you have faced in your community or school. Why was the challenge significant to you? This is a good opportunity to talk about any obstacles you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from the experience. Did you have support from someone else or did you handle it alone?

If you’re currently working your way through a challenge, what are you doing now, and does that affect different aspects of your life? For example, ask yourself, How has my life changed at home, at my school, with my friends or with my family?

University of California Official Website: Personal Insight Questions

Don’t disregard the “things to consider” section!

Some of it may seem obvious; but, it’s advice from the University of California itself. So, make use of it!

Below, we’ve underlined the important parts of the “Things to Consider” section. These sections should be emphasized to make a good UC PIQ 5 essay, just like our clients did!

Things to consider: A challenge could be personal, or something you have faced in your community or school. Why was the challenge significant to you? This is a good opportunity to talk about any obstacles you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from the experience. Did you have support from someone else or did you handle it alone?

If you’re currently working your way through a challenge, what are you doing now, and does that affect different aspects of your life? For example, ask yourself, “How has my life changed at home, at my school, with my friends or with my family?”

University of California Official Website: Personal Insight Questions
Because college application essay questions are so predictable, they’re pretty easy to prepare for beforehand. Most UC essay prompts follow the same patterns as in previous years.

Note: you do NOT have to answer EVERY part of the UC prompt 5 question and its “things to consider” section. The “things to consider” section serves as a guideline, and not solid rules.

Notice a pattern in all of the UC essay questions?

They have the same expectations as just about any other college. They want to know what is important about your topic and how it changed you. In other words: why should we care? It’s crucial that you address this.

If not, you’ll be excluding the major elements the UC admissions officers are looking for.

So, be sure to answer the prompt!

UC Essay Prompt 5. Successful Example Essay 1

“During my Freshman year in Spain, I encountered quite literally the most difficult obstacle in my life: a physical wall of political extremists.

The first day of school was quiet until the rowdiest students on the bus filled the void and banished the silence. A well-known gang of student extremists notorious for despising non-natives stared in my direction throughout the whole ride. Pointing an accusing finger, a gang member shouted in broken English, “China! China!”

The best way, and perhaps the only way, to survive was through minimum force: I maintained peaceful waters and stayed passive, but I also stood stoic and unbending.

“Well, that is where I’m from,” I said jokingly. I was no stranger to mild racism in my hometown, as those jokes were a part of everyday teenage immaturity. Unfortunately for me, this was neither a joke nor any place to call home.

They glared daggers at me and my audacity to step foot in their soil. Silent rage filled the air, and their balled fists showed white knuckles. Anger from racist extremists differs from that of upset teachers, or disappointed parents, or angry managers who skipped their morning coffee; they were like panthers.

The boys shouted indiscernible rage in Spanish, but their shoving and surrounding me said enough. Head up and shoulders back, I stared back at each person. I could have bolted away, and every neuron in my brain told me to. However, I knew if, for even a second I showed weakness, they would have the courage to assault me. Just as two boys grabbed me, I saw a teacher’s eyes grow like a deer caught in headlights. She shouted something, and they dispersed.  

I am fortunate now to live in a more accepting environment. I can now focus on school without looking over my back, and classes are certainly more accessible now that extremists realize I don’t bend easily. Leaving Spain unscathed taught me something, though: I am the luckiest person alive. With that, I am no longer naïve to the darkest sides of discrimination when it rears its ugly head.”

Successful UC PIQ 5 Example Essay 1

UC Essay Prompt 5. Successful Example Essay 2

“There’s no more shockingly profound moment before they come back from the room and give you an official title of, “So, you happen to have attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)” because, like trumpets roaring in unison, the mind finally goes…

“Aha! So that’s what it was this whole time!”

Though, personally, I don’t think it’s entirely accurate. It’s more than just the stereotypes, and the scatterbrained-ness. It’s literally being incongruent from others. It’s masking said difference as “oh, silly me; how quirky, teehee!” and hoping, hoping, that I won’t somehow get “discovered” as if hiding were so necessary. It’s that… and, like, a million more. 

Here’s an example. 

My diverted attention in action during class: A discussion on Poe’s “Raven”. I’d think, “there-was-a-guy-from-a-show-I-watched-who-was-surrounded-by-ravens-and-wow-he-was-attractive-I-wish-I-could-move-like-a-ninja-like-him-I-wonder-how-ninjas-even…” before having my stream of consciousness interrupted by “Jasmine, what did Poe really mean?” to which I’d scan the board for context clues at mach 5 speed to answer. 

And, what else would a teacher feel other than sassed? Here’s some girl, who looks like she’s not paying attention, and then answers questions anyway. So: punishment. 

When my best friend suggested I see a professional, I initially thought she was joking. But, I went anyway. Hearing a professional deconstruct every element of my life in perfect surgical detail was stunning. 

It’s hard to navigate the world once you realize you’ve been disadvantaged in certain ways that you never knew were possible. It felt like I was running a marathon, only to discover half way through that I started five miles behind everyone else. It shattered my world… for a moment. 

But, I adapted using my newfound knowledge to catch up on academic goals otherwise unreachable. This adaptation required Herculean mental strength to overcome old habits and condition my divergent mind to modern sensibilities. Don’t give in to instant gratification; stare intently at a single object without breaking attention; pace the workload and transition when needed; listen and rewatch lectures when the mind is tame. Most importantly: forgiveness. It’s biting my shameful pride and accepting at teams my imperfection. I forgive myself for not meeting other people’s standards. It’s definitely not perfect, but it’s progress and I’m better for it.”

Successful UC PIQ 5 Example Essay 2

Tips For Writing The UC PIQ 5

So, what makes a good UC Essay?

There are a few things that make it stand out from the rest of the crowd. Try to apply these to your own admissions essay when answering prompt 5!

  1. Colons in the Intro Paragraph:

    Here’s a cool trick to make your intros stand out.

    Add a colon to your intro paragraph. Specifically, start the intro with something straightforward and pragmatic; then, contrast it with something exciting after.

    So, here’s an example:

    “It’s not always easy running your own resell business: first, you think you’ll make money fast; then, you realize you’ve wasted 5 figures in overhead.”

    This is perfect for surprising the reader, and making your intro start with a boom.

    Of course, you’re not obligated to start intros like this. It’s just one strategy!
  2. Change Over Time:

    As we said earlier, demonstrating change over time is important.

    What use is there for an applicant who has had things happen to them but never changed for the better?

    Universities want to see dynamic individuals: people constantly evolving who can improve. In our first example, our applicant became more mature and was able to open his eyes to the cruelty of extremists in other parts of the world.
  3. Sentence Length Diversity:

    This tends to go along with diversifying punctuation, but it’s important to keep this in mind. Here’s an example:

    “Look now at this paragraph you are reading at this moment. It conforms to around the same word count as the sentence before it. This one also keeps the same word count as the one before it, just like before. Now, it is getting boring and you may feel bored with this paragraph. But no. Suddenly, the pace changes. Short. Curt. Exciting. It changes like the current of a river and, among the droning stupor of the previous few sentences, it grows much more compelling with a longer, more diversified breadth of volume.”

    The original text we edited was rife with boring sentences of the same length. We changed some periods into semicolons edited out some unnecessary parts and revised them to look nicer. The diversity of commas and semicolons made it easier to change boring, monotonous sentences into something that sounded more fluid.  
  4. You Can Write About Learning Disabilities in UC PIQ 5.

    Yup, that’s right.

    A lot of college consulting and advising firms would recommend against writing about learning disabilities such as ADHD and Dyslexia. In fact, some may even advise against writing about acute Depression and Anxiety.

    However, it’s important to know that students come from all walks of life.

    You can write about almost anything in your UC PIQ 5, so long as it doesn’t border into illegal territory or shine you in a negative light.

    Now, you may think writing about ADHD can put you in a bad light. And, perhaps it can; if you’re not careful, of course. In our example essay, we specifically spun the topic into a positive attribute.

    This is important. Often, your disadvantages and obstacles can be reshaped into things that work in your favor. And, ADHD is no exception. In this case, our applicant used ADHD as a way of demonstrating their strength. They describe overcoming their disadvantages through “Herculean mental strength”, “forgiveness”, and “biting pride”. This shows not just hard work ethic and dedication; it also shows emotional maturity, which is crucial to admissions officers.

    So, writing your UC PIQ 5 about unusual topics like learning disabilities can work! You just need to spin it correctly in a positive light.

Do you have any more questions about the UC Essay Prompt 5? Don’t wait until it’s too late! It’s up to you to do everything in your power to get into your dream school. So, consider scheduling us for a free consultation! Our professional college admissions consultants and editors have helped countless students like you get accepted into reach schools they never thought possible such as UCB, UCLA, UPenn, Brown, Cornell, and many others!

149 thoughts on “Successful UC Essay Prompt 5 Example Essays That Worked”

  1. Hi! This essay was super intriguing and Ill probably send my essay for revision. However, there’s one thing I couldn’t understand from the essay: How did he overcome his challenge? All I could read is that he reflected on the experience and is grateful for his home environment.


    • Hi Benedict!

      Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention! I was unaware that the essay we posted did not contain the answer to the primary prompt.

      I checked with my editors and it looks like we’ve accidently pasted one of our earlier rough draft versions that were edited without answering the prompt. Sorry for the confusion! We believe the new version we posted is up to date, but I’m checking in with both my editors and our previous client to see if the one now is the most up-to-date draft that was submitted.

      Also, you may send your essays over for revision to us! I’ll contact you through email. Again, thanks so much for pointing out that mistake!

  2. Hi! I have drafted essays for 3 prompts and was wondering if you would be able to read over them and let me know if I am on the right path.

  3. Hi there! I am finishing my drafts for my 4 essay prompts I have chosen and was hoping you could look them over? I’m not sure If my essays even properly answer the prompts

  4. Hi, I was wondering if you could take a look at my essays? I’ve finished all 4 drafts already and I just need someone to take a look at it to see if I’m on the right track or not.

    Thanks, much appreciated!

  5. Hey Jason,

    I was wondering if you would be able to look over my drafts for the UC essays. Could you please send me an email. I really appreciate it! Great article!

  6. Hello, Jason!

    I hope you’re doing well. I just finished my first draft of prompt #2, and it would mean so much if you could take a look at it. I am not sure if I answered the question correctly.

    Thank you so much for your time!

  7. Hi Jason!
    I was wondering if you would be able to look over my drafts for the UC prompts and provide feedback. I am currently finishing them up and am not sure if I was on the right path with my responses.

    Thank you in advance!

  8. Hey I was wondering if you could take a look at my 3 UC Essays that I have completed. Could you please send an email, It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  9. Hi. Could you please review my essay for the #5 prompt? I’m not sure if I tackled the topic properly and I’m a bit apprehensive. It would be a great help if you could check it out.

  10. Hi there!
    I was wondering if you could look over my essays for prompts 4, 5, 6, and 7 and provide feedback.
    Thank you so much in advance!

  11. Hi!These tips are very helpful. I’m wondering if you could look at my completed UC essays and give me some feedback on them. Thanks!

  12. Hi! I was wondering if talking about overcoming an eating disorder for PIQ #5 is too risky ? and if you are able to go over the ones I have written so far.

    • Hi Jasmine! How you approach this is going to make all the difference. For the most part the topic is fine, but it needs to be written properly without triggering red flags. I’ve sent you an email!

  13. Hi I have all four of my essays written and I was wondering if you would be able to take a look and potentially provide feedback?

    • Hi Amisha!

      Our apologies! My team and I have been quite busy with helping students with their essays before the deadline, so our responses are slowed down. However, because the deadline has been extended, we can still provide alternative services to accommodate for late essays! I’ve sent you an email!

    • Hi Danna!

      Our apologies! My team and I have been quite busy with helping students with their essays before the deadline, so our responses are slowed down. However, because the deadline has been extended, we can still provide alternative services to accommodate for late essays! I’ve sent you an email!

    • Hi Sarah!

      Our apologies! My team and I have been quite busy with helping students with their essays before the deadline, so our responses are slowed down. However, because the deadline has been extended, we can still provide alternative services to accommodate for late essays! I’ve sent you an email!

    • Hi Cooper!

      Our apologies! My team and I have been quite busy with helping students with their essays before the deadline, so our responses are slowed down. However, because the deadline has been extended, we can still provide alternative services to accommodate for late essays! I’ve sent you an email!

  14. Hey, these pointers about the UC personal insight questions have been really helpful! Can you help me revise my draft of the 5th prompt?

    • Hi Chenyr!

      Our apologies! My team and I have been quite busy with helping students with their essays before the deadline, so our responses are slowed down. However, because the deadline has been extended, we can still provide alternative services to accommodate for late essays! I’ve sent you an email!

    • Hi Keren!

      Our apologies! My team and I have been quite busy with helping students with their essays before the deadline, so our responses are slowed down. However, because the deadline has been extended, we can still provide alternative services to accommodate for late essays! I’ve sent you an email!

  15. Hi there!
    I was wondering if you take a look at my current draft/brainstorming for the UC prompt #5, if it’s not too late!

  16. Hi, I plan on submitting my application today. Would it be too late to send it in for last minute revisions or grammar checks? I understand if it is! Thank you

    • Hi Gizelle! We just finished our last batch of applications and may still be able to help. I’ll send you an email and we can discuss from there. Thanks!

    • Hello Abdullah! 

      We just finished our final edits for our last batch and we have space to fit you into our schedule! Do you have a phone number we can contact you in? 

  17. Hey Jason,

    I hope everything is going well for you. I’m attempting to get into UC Berkeley, and I saw your page, and I was hoping you might assist me. I’m still writing, but I’d like someone to take a look and see if there’s anything else I need. My email
    I needed some help with Prompt 5! I was considering writing first generation since I don’t have parents who can help me with my schoolwork.

    Thank you in Advance.

  18. Hello Jason,

    I am attempting to get accepted to a few UC’s. I would like someone to look over my prompts, my grades are excellent but I need to make sure the writing is the same.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  19. Hello Jason,

    I am attempting to get accepted to a few UC’s. I would like someone to look over my prompts, my grades are excellent but I need to make sure the writing is the same.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    • Hi Jaden!

      Good job on your excellent grades! We can certainly take a look at your UC essays and give you some advising over a free consultation. We’ve just sent you an email!

  20. Hey Jason,

    I was hoping you could help me with my personal insight questions as I feel like I have good ideas, but just need help to express and to perfect them to create an amazing essay. I’d really appreciate your help!

    Thank you in Advance.

    • Hi Emiliano!

      No worries! A lot of students have been struggling with that exact problem. I just sent you an email and we can continue from there!

  21. Hi, I’ve few of the drafts for 3 of my essays. Will you be able to help me by giving some feedback, please?
    Thank you 🙂

  22. Hello!
    I was hoping you could assist me in finding a prompt to match the draft I’ve written. Also, if you could read my three PIQ drafts and provide feedback, that would be fantastic!

  23. Hello!
    I thought I left a reply earlier, but I’m not sure if it went through. Anyway, I was hoping you could assist me in determining which prompt would be most appropriate for the unfinished draft I’ve been working on. Also, it would be highly appreciated if you could look through my other three drafts and give me input.

  24. Hi again! I was wondering if you had any tips for one of my essays. I just need to write one more and it’s topic #5! I’m planning on writing it about my anxiety I just don’t know where to start.

  25. Hi! I left a comment before but I don’t know if it went through. In my previous comment, I asked if you could revise my prompt #5 essay. If you can, it would be greatly appreciated!

  26. Hi! I have been stressed with trying to revise my drafts for PIQs and I was wondering if you guys can help. I will greatly appreciate any comments and sugestions.

    • Hi Melany! Today we’ve had to attend to a bit of an emergency, but we’ll be back at full force starting the 25th of November. We can certainly help! We just sent you an email!

    • Hi Melany! Today we’ve had to attend to a bit of an emergency, but we’ll be back at full force starting the 25th of November. We can help and we sent you an email!

    • Hi Melany! Today we’ve had to attend to a bit of an emergency, but we’ll be back at full force starting the 25th of November.

      I can still help! We just sent you an email!

  27. Hello! I unfortunately had procrastinated on writing my UC PIQs, so I’m currently in the process of revising them. I was wondering if it was still possible to have all 4 of them revised? Thank you so much 😀 !

  28. Hi Jason! I have also procrastinated my UC PIQs and was wondering if you’d be willing to provide some last minute feedback and revisions on 2 of them? Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!

    • Hi Amy! No worries! I sent you an email and we can get started from there.

      However, for you and all future commenters: please send your google docs invite and best callback number to this email: This will ensure you can get help ASAP before the deadline!

    • Hi Nathan!

      I’d be happy to provide some feedback on your UC PIQs and give some recommendations. I’ve sent you an email. Thanks!

  29. Hi! I have written a really long draft for my UC prompt #5 PIQ and would like to get some advice, if possible. Thank You!

    • Hi there Shayaan! No problem! More often than not, long drafts give a lot of good content for brainstorming and coming up with new ideas. I can give you some advice and analyze your essay to help make it stand out! I sent you an email!

  30. Hello,
    I was wondering if you offer free service to read, revise, and provide feedback for essays? I’m not 100% done, but I would love some corrections and advice when I am in the future.

    Please let me know.

    • Hi June!

      Yes! I offer free consultations and feedback for essays! The admissions season does get a bit packed during this month, though. So, I would recommend starting a free consultation early before spots start to get sparse! You can do so on the contact page ( but I’ve also sent you a link to your email to do that. Thanks!

    • Hi Iris!

      Thank you so much for your patience! We recently have been quite busy with requests for college essay services; however, we can still help out! I sent you an email!

    • Hi Iris!

      Thank you so much for your patience! We recently have been quite busy with requests for college essay services; however, we can still help out! I sent you an email!

    • Hi there! Unfortunately during the time you submitted this comment we’ve been overwhelmed with requests for college essay help. So, we couldn’t get to your request on time. However, We’d still be happy to help with any other colleges you’d have! I sent you an email!

    • Hi Yvonne! No problem at all! I can certainly help you with that; I just sent you a sign up link to your email where you can reserve a date and time for us to talk!

    • Hi Karis! Absolutely! I’d be happy to give some free feedback! I just sent you an email discussing how I can help + my college essay services. Thanks!


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