The Ultimate Guide to the Rice University Essays

So, you want to get accepted into Rice. Before reading this, you may already be aware that the Rice University supplemental essays seem normal at first. Then, there’s “The Box”.

This can be quite intimidating, especially since a university with such low acceptance rates is throwing us such a curveball. With both academic competitiveness and difficult essay questions, you’re going to need to perfect every square inch of your application.

Now, before we dive into our ultimate guide to Rice University’s supplemental essays, let’s cover some of the school’s stats. You can also find a link to it here.

Rice University Freshman Admission Profile

  1. Early Decision Admit Rate: 20%
  2. Regular Decision Admit Rate: 10%
  3. SAT Composite 75th Percentile: 1550
  4. SAT Composite 25th Percentile: 1480
  5. ACT Composite 75th Percentile: 36
  6. ACT Composite 25th Percentile: 34

Scary, huh? Well, it comes with every competitive school.

If you want to get accepted into Rice University, you’re going to need to be as or more competitive than the average freshman admissions profile.

Now, what if you are below the average? That’s okay! It just means that you have to compensate by making use of your application essays. In this case, the Rice University supplemental essays are your friend. You will need to use these to your advantage, and show the admissions officers your worth despite the lower marks.

If your scores are at or above the average admitted freshman’s, then you’ll be in an advantage. Writing a strong essay will further solidify your admissions rate, and help you minimize the chance of rejection.

Remember: Rice implements a holistic admissions policy. That means you’ll be judged by more than just your scores and grades. Thus, you should take great care with your essays, and not just tackle them blindly.

Now, with that said, let’s cover everything you need to know about writing the Rice University supplemental essays.

Table of Contents

  1. How to Write the Rice University “Academic Interest” Essay.
  2. How to Write the Rice University “Why Us” Essay.
  3. How to Write the Rice University “Life Perspectives Contributions” Essay.
  4. How to Answer Rice University’s “The Box” Prompt.

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How to Write the Rice University Supplemental Essays

How to Write the Rice University “Academic Interest” Essay.

Please explain why you wish to study in the academic areas you selected. (150 word limit)

Rice University –Common Application

In order to answer this question, you need to have a well-formulated idea of your academic path –especially how it relates to Rice.

Most of the clients we’ve worked with have a general or surface-level relationship with the subject that they want to study. They may have chosen math because they were good at it, or English because they don’t like the STEM classes.

These are a good start, but you should have a clear reason and personal philosophy tied to why you want to study your field of interest. Perhaps it speaks to you in a way that no other subject has before, and Rice’s resources are perfect for you. They may be the only school that could help you explore your subject in depth enough compared to the rest.

Remember: despite this being a short essay, you need to be very specific. Your academic path and interests are a good way for the admissions office to judge you and your fit for the school. So, make sure you present your interests well.

How to Write the Rice University “Why Us” Essay.

Based upon your exploration of Rice University, what elements of the Rice experience appeal to you? (150 word limit)

Rice University –Common Application

Imagery. Imagery. Imagery.

Since this question follows the first academic interest question, you should now focus on the sublime. What is the emotional appeal of attending Rice University? More importantly, how will attending Rice University guarantee your growth as a person compared to attending any other school?

Now, you probably shouldn’t just mention what you first see on the official website.

Instead, try to explore why it would be exciting for you to attend Rice University. Use extensive strong imagery and details about how this would impact your life.

After all, there’s more to being an Owl than just being a good student. You can be a fantastic student at any university, but there’s something that Rice provides that will make you into a complete person. Perhaps you fell in love with Houston, Texas; maybe having visited there, you can see your own personal growth flourishing there rather than anywhere else. Do more research on the school, and see how it helps you answer the Rice University “Why Us” Essay.

How to Write the Rice University “Life Perspectives Contributions” Essay.

Rice is lauded for creating a collaborative atmosphere that enhances the quality of life for all members of our campus community. The Residential College System and undergraduate life are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural tradition each student brings. What life perspectives would you contribute to the Rice community? (500 word limit)

Rice University –Common Application

There are two factors you should consider when answering this question: community, and life perspectives.

On one hand, this is Rice’s Community essay. As in, how do you help contribute to the community here at Rice? Is there something you can provide that will enhance the overarching philosophy or perspective of the Rice community?

On the other hand, this question asks what life perspective will help you contribute to the community to make it a better place. Though, this question is also rather subtle. By talking about your life perspective, the universities also have an inside look at your personal values. This is important, especially since you’ll want unique values that are phrased in a manner that help you stand out amongst the rest.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you come from a cultural background with a heavy emphasis on Ayurvedic medicine. That means you’ll take on the philosophy of balancing the different doshas not just in your diet and your profession, but also in your work habits. This perspective can be something that would help your undergraduate community, as you can bring a more healthy work-life balance that so often plagues freshmen at the beginning of the year. Rice University as a whole also benefits from this, as having you around brings less toxic work and study culture into the school.

Here are a few other questions to ask yourself to better help you answer this question.

  1. Do I have any hobbies or extracurriculars outside of academia that I do for fun?
  2. Did I grow up in a culture or background that gives me a unique perspective on life?
  3. If I had to write a biography, what would I put in it?
  4. If you were a character in a video game, what would your stats and skills be? Do you belong to any particular community that is connected to an overarching culture? (Example: The “Steven Universe” community is often connected to art. The Woodworking community is often connected to respect for nature)
  5. Do you have a philosophy or code that you follow that you think will help other people at Rice? (Example: you follow Stoic philosophy, and many students feeling jaded about modern problems can benefit from your way of thinking.)

How to Answer Rice University’s “The Box” Prompt.

In keeping with Rice’s long-standing tradition (known as “The Box”), please share an image of something that appeals to you. See the Help Section for more information.

Rice University –Common Application

Alright, so we’ve finally reached the best part. This is the one that we get asked about all the time. “What should I put?” “Is this a serious answer?” “Will I be judged harshly for the quality of the photo?”

In order to answer Rice University’s “The Box” prompt, we highly, highly suggest having the opinions of more than one person. Although the photo may appeal to you, it may be difficult to understand or even uninteresting to the admissions office. The worst-case scenario is that the photo actually does not encapsulate your positive personality or character traits.

Because everyone takes a different perspective from photos, and some people may not fully understand the image at all, it is important that you have at least a few experts in admissions check your photo. If you want someone to look over your photo for free and give general guidelines, contact us for a free consultation. Our experts will get back to you within 24 hours.

Also, remember: you need to make sure you portray something that is not already demonstrated in your application. This should be something that shows a personal but also unique part of your life. It is something that the admissions officers will use to determine how you are special compared to everyone else.

If you are still struggling with writing the Rice University supplemental essays, don’t be afraid to speak with an admissions expert! Contact us for a free consultation. Our experts will get back to you within 24 hours, and we’ll help you approach the Rice University supplemental essays with free advice.

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