Extracurricular Activities for College Admissions: Myths

Curved Race Track

In 2002,  Kaavya Viswanathan wrote a book about her acceptance to Harvard; it was a book that would further fuel the big myth about extracurricular activities for college admissions. The book became a bestseller and even had a plan to become a movie. It was a dream come true for just about any anxious parent … Read more

College Application Services: Trustworthy Ones

Piggy Bank

Another day, another article for our Essentials guide to help you learn how to maximize your college admission chances. For this article, we are covering the fundamental attributes that make up the reliable and trustworthy college application services that you want to hire. As with any rule in the college apps process, there are exceptions … Read more

On College Application Services: Scams

College Application Services

With another Essentials guide to start the day, it is time to discuss one of the most important topics you will need to keep in mind on your journey to college acceptance: College Application services, particularly which ones are not trustworthy. Far too often is this topic skimmed over, most probably because people are too … Read more

How To Get Into Your Dream School: A Guide

How To Get Into Your Dream School

How To Get Into Your Dream School: Introduction Welcome to PenningPapers! This is one of the few –if not only– places in the internet where you can find college application services without fake ivy league graduate profiles or fake “expert writers”. More importantly this is where you can find genuinely high-quality content that teaches you … Read more

College Essay Tips and Tricks: A Guide

College Essay Tips and Tricks

There is no doubt that there are plenty of attributes that admissions officers look for which indicate a good candidate for a university. For the most part, these include competence; competence, however, comes in many forms. Some of these forms are easy to spot –as we’ve analyzed in the archive of successful clients’ papers—and can … Read more

How to Write For Common Application Essay Topics

common application essay topics

Coming up with the best common application essay topics can be one of the biggest hassles in the college app process. The perfect set topics can oftentimes take the longest time to conjure; it is especially bad for applicants who begin writing and want to change their topic at the last second. In this article, … Read more

College Application Editing Services

College App Services Admission Essay Editing Contact us for a Free Consultation College Admissions Services College Essays & Personal Statements​ Our college admissions essay and personal statement consulting and editing process is as follows: We brainstorm together through either phone or zoom call. We draft multiple essays together.  We edit these essays and analyze important … Read more

Common App Essay Help: Career Objectives

Common app essay help

It is without a doubt that every teenager and young adult fears the dreaded question during all common app essay help counselling appointments: “So, what do you want to do in your future?” More often than not, the question is given a miserable answer of, “oh, you know…” with the trailing off as a clear … Read more

College Application Review: Critical Admissions Factors

College Application Review

Every application from those for med school, graduate school, or undergraduate admissions tend to have the same requirements. With such vital aspects to your application, it is important to check that you meet these standards before clicking the “Submit” button. At PenningPapers, we cover all of these variables and optimize them to reach the maximum … Read more

4 Considerations When Researching Universities

It’s no secret that most students –if they want to maximize their admissions chances– need to cast a large net. That means applying to as many safety and reach schools. However, they may not consider the advantages of having background knowledge of the colleges they are applying for. From what we’ve seen, not everyone will … Read more