College Application Review: Critical Admissions Factors

Every application from those for med school, graduate school, or undergraduate admissions tend to have the same requirements. With such vital aspects to your application, it is important to check that you meet these standards before clicking the “Submit” button. At PenningPapers, we cover all of these variables and optimize them to reach the maximum acceptance rate in our College Application Review services. In this article, we’ll be covering 4 important points to review in your application to ensure you get accepted.

  1. Make your application compliment every facet of your essay.

Each section will be your time to shine, but that applies for just about every other applicant who is going to compete for your spot in your dream school. To prevent yourself from looking like another carbon copy of every other applicant, make sure every section of your application strings together with your essay.

Most applicants tend to have a barrage of positive points to make; there is oftentimes an assortment of things in no particular order. For instance, some applicants will have played multiple sports and won competitions in STEM-related fields; this set of traits will not, however, compliment an application to an art school.

If your application poses great strength in sports but you have no interest in being an athlete in the future, you will need to string traits from the sports you excel at into your essay. How does playing sports relate to your future career path? A good way of going about this obstacle is talking about how the sport is related to your future in a sort of spiritual and meaningful way. This way can be rather difficult, however, and we highly suggest you seek review and editing if you see this.

This doesn’t mean you cannot be a well-rounded person; there are plenty of applicants who are well-rounded who make it into great universities. Know, however, that there are just as many well-rounded individuals who were rejected from their dream schools. Here is something to consider if you are one of said well-rounded individuals. If you happen to be one of the applicants who were president of every club, captain of every sport, and leader of every school play, you have to remember that you can’t fit all of your qualifications into a single essay. It simply doesn’t work with the amount of words most applications require.

If you have a similar issue to any of the above, consider a College Application Review consultation for specialized advice on unique application situations. Applications are difficult on their own, but unique situations such as these are nothing to ignore.

  1. Edit the essay to maximize your chances.

This goes with number 1, but tends to span for a much longer time. In general, you should consider freeing up at least a few months to write out your essays and a handful of weeks to edit everything. This is if you are not making use of College Application Review and admissions editing services.

The best way to find mistakes quickly, especially when reviewing your essays right before submission, is to read it aloud. This allows you to catch all of the awkward phrasing and sections that can be worded better. In the case of grammar, use an online grammar checker to clear out all of the obvious mistakes. You also want to make sure you use the correct words with the right connotation. We oftentimes come across clients who have their application essays and personal statements peppered with keywords and phrases that seem to contradict the connotation of the story. More often than not, however, the keywords that have the most potential to impress the admissions officers are just replaced with outright boring words. For instance, an essay about the competition you won should be described as “Herculean” and “terrifying, to the point of freezing every muscle and fiber of my body”. It would be terrible and wasteful of a perfect opportunity to describe the competition you just defeated as only “hard” and “long”.

Take note that following these rules will wring out most of the obvious and easy-to-solve issues. They may not significantly improve your application chances, but they do prevent them from plummeting if you happened to have any simple mistakes. If you are looking to increase the chances of getting accepted and want to have more specialized work done such as editing to accommodate for low scores or editing for a competitive edge, you will require specialized College Application Review services to meet those goals.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to improve your application to its fullest potential; surely no one can guarantee admission, but maximizing your chances will let you enter your highest possible choice.

  1. You have the best choice of recommendation letters.

It is oftentimes the case that applicants will have no one to ask for recommendation letters. This is not without reason: requirements for recommendation letters can be quite tough, as they mostly need at least one from a teacher and one from a counselor. For obvious reasons, the best recommenders are those who know you well enough to have a lot of content to write about. The last thing any applicant would want is a recommendation that stretches out every word to make it seem like the recommender is trying to hard to know them.

  1. Ensure your application is submitted with at least a few days before the deadline.

Refrain from submitting the application at the last minute, as tempting as it may be. Editing the application at the last minute lead to overthinking and tunnel vision, this means you may see errors that do not even exist or make corrections that do not even require correcting. At best, your application chances will not be hindered from this; what is more likely, however, is that you may edit your application and essay to look worse than it originally was. This will take a large hit on your application for sure.

There is also the case of overload. The school’s website and servers oftentimes become loaded with applications sent at the last minute. Oftentimes, schools will provide a little bit of leeway for those who were unable to apply due to a server error, but it is important to be sure to submit it before the rush hour in case of emergency.

You’ve completed your application, but are you ready to submit it for review? Why take a chance? When you select your application and essay for College Application review and editing services with our specialized team, we will dig through all the nooks and crannies of your application that you don’t see and weed out all the mistakes you missed. We’ll bring out the best in your application to make up for disadvantages such as low grades and test scores. Contact us for more information on how you can get off the rejected-application treadmill.

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