4 Considerations When Researching Universities

It’s no secret that most students –if they want to maximize their admissions chances– need to cast a large net. That means applying to as many safety and reach schools. However, they may not consider the advantages of having background knowledge of the colleges they are applying for.

From what we’ve seen, not everyone will go above and beyond to do the extended research. This means means people miss out on making themselves look better in their college apps. Below we’ve compiled some of the key points to consider when doing extra research of the school you should apply to.

History of the school

One would often obtain this in the campus tours or, more effectively and simply, through the online website. Having a your of the campus has its benefits, but the best thing to get from it is the knowledge of whether the school is really right for you. Once you’ve decided that the school s in fact right for you, you may consider applying your knowledge of the history of the school into your university applications.

This does NOT mean one should repeat their knowledge of the background information of the school.

This would do nothing but demonstrate that you admire the school but having nothing to provide; this is an application that requires you to talk about YOU. For more information about writing about yourself, you can check the main articles in this site.

An example of not implementing this properly may be this: “________ University is known for its diverse campus and wonderful vision for the future of liberal arts; this fits perfectly with my vision to work on a career in the arts.” This does not work because it does not mention anything because the university applications officials would have learned nothing of you and what you can provide for their school.

Interview Advantage

Interviews mostly do not apply for public schools. However, those who would like to apply for private schools may be called in for interviews. In the case of an interview, all interview etiquette is important: standing up straight with your shoulders back, dressing in clothes that fit and look formal and comfortable, making eye contact and speaking well.

The importance of background information about a school is that attending an interview will most probably inform your interviewer that you are adamant and determined on attending the school. Demonstrating your knowledge in their school will show you have dedication for their school and will make you more likely to be accepted. Remember, though, that you should be informed about the important things about the school such as what their motto is, what their general vision for students is, and what their culture is like; you do not need to be informed about how many students are attending or menial statistics of the sort.

Consider Reputation

A school’s reputation tends to be a conflicting matter for concerned applicants and parents: the school’s reputation is either the most important aspect to consider when thinking of which schools to apply for or the least important. Perhaps the most problematic is the fact that a lot of high school counselors and advisers have a seemingly looming obligation to tell their students and applicants that a school’s reputation has no value for the future. Counselors and advisers are not the only culprit; unfortunately, many online forums and articles will show students who claim that reputation has literally no value for future applicants and provides no possible positive gain.

Here’s the short and sweet truth: reputation does NOT matter for future job prospects or positive career benefits AS MUCH as some may think.

Does this mean perfectly crafted university applications are a wasted effort? Not really; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. The keyword is that reputation does not matter “as much”; it’s more a case that they matter in different ways and not in the hyperbolic way most may think.

If you or your family are concerned about the right moves to make during the university applications process, especially concerning how to factor in the school’s reputation in your application, consider scheduling a short consultation to have your plan sorted out before applying. 

The right university applications that successfully get an applicant into a prestigious school still has much coveted value. A degree from Columbia University can open many more doors compared to a degree from the local community college, but this does not mean that the university’s reputation can do all the work for applicants. As mentioned before, the school’s reputation matters, though not as much as some may think; landing a school with a good reputation is not something to scoff at though.

Here is a good rule to consider: for applicants who consider the school’s reputation their #1 value, a school that ranks anywhere in between 1-120 in the US News and World Report Rankings would be a good choice. State schools work just fine and most tend to be rather strong anyway. Remember that rankings in a school don’t tend to change too dramatically other than by one or two ranks or oftentimes ties between schools. If school A were ranked 12 and school B were ranked 13, you wouldn’t need to consider the ranking between the two as they are relatively the same.

Major emphasis

One final aspect to consider before constructing the perfect set of university applications is the emphasis of the target schools. Before talking about the majors, first consider the primary student focus of the schools.

Many universities have a research-based focus with only a slight academic slant for undergraduate students. This is especially true for state schools. If your goal is to work on research in a specific field, you may want to consider attending these universities; for those who are looking for more academics-focused schools, apply to the respective schools with those considerations.
As for majors, most schools can be narrowed down to two categories: Liberal Arts Universities and STEM Universities. Applicants should apply to the schools with their respective focus in major, but remember this: some schools are big and well-established enough that any major in said school would be considered strong. For instance, the University of California System contains schools with strong academic and liberal arts majors, yet most of the schools have a more research-based focus and slant for STEM.

This is why state universities tend to be a good choice for families of low income or indecisive students in general. They oftentimes have a strong reputation, severely lower costs, and well-rounded majors departments without sacrificing focus on particular fields.


In short, research for targeted school is important for many reasons. For one, the history of the school will reveal good focuses and tones for applicants to write into their university applications. Understanding the school’s background will also optimize applicants’ chances on the off chance they are pulled in for an interview. Reputation should also be considered for when applicants choose their schools; though it is not as important as some may think, it is still a strong asset for future career prospects. Lastly, one should remember to thoroughly research their school of choice in their emphasis in academics or research; the major is also important, but state schools tend to be well-rounded all over.

These are but a few points an applicant should consider for researching  schools. Choosing the right school to apply to may be difficult, especially since one may never be sure if they may even be accepted. For help in maximizing chances, or for just counselling on what vital decisions to make, readers may contact us for extra help. 

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